BrUBC's first cask!

A delectable Grapefruit wheat ale was the first beer that enjoyed beautiful curves and voluptuous pressure of our CAMRA cask. This beer was so fresh, so smooth, and so good. Regrettably, the beer did not explode all over our lovely president Kerry Dyson when he hammered the spout in. That would have been hilarious. Maybe the next cask we will see the famous cask spray….

BrUBC’s first cask!

BrUBC Wins Award, Mainstream Beer Drinkers Pout!

Our lovely crew of gentlepeople, scholars, and rapscallions has won the award for Best Leisure/Special Interest Club at UBC for 2014. Its been a great year, and things aren’t stopping yet! We are drinking our first cask this saturday, and many events with different clubs and more brew sessions, gatherings, and brewery tours are planned for the near future. Cheers!

BrUBC Wins Award, Mainstream Beer Drinkers Pout!

BrUBC Fights for a Student Owned Brewery


BrUBC has been hugely involved in the push to get a student owned brewery at UBC. After years of work and 1500 petition signatures collected in only a week, the AMS Microbrewery project will hopefully be approved via referendum on January 30, 2013.

Check out these links for more info!

Fresh hops at the UBC Farm


Fresh hops are available at the UBC Farm! We’ve already picked a bunch, and will soon be brewing our second batch (an amber DIPA) with these succulent grenades of aromatic flavor.

Picking will be open for two more days: Thursday August 29th from 10:00am – 7:00pm and Saturday August 31st from 2:00pm – 7:00pm

Finally, prices this year have now been set at 0.50$/ oz fresh hops by u-pick.

UBC Microbrewery Approved for 2017

On Wednesday, March 6th, the UBC microbrewery viability committee presented to AMS council after months of deliberation. They presented a plan to set aside funds over the next 4 years in order to finance the construction of a UBC Microbrewery as part of the 2017 UBC Farm project. Needless to say, we are very excited about this.